Cómo limpiar tus joyas de plata y latón bañado en oro

How to clean your silver and gold-plated brass jewelry

For Buddhists, cleansing is almost a purification ritual for the soul. A way of understanding our space; organize our mind; to thank all those small everyday objects that served us at the time...

For Buddhists, cleansing is almost a purification ritual for the soul. A way of understanding our space; organize our mind; to thank all those small everyday objects that served us at the time; but, above all, it is a way of assessing and calmly appreciate everything we have. And it is that, ultimately, any simple object that surrounds us has been elaborated/thought/designed with care and awareness in some part of the world.

And, of course, jewelry is one of those arts and accessories that does not escape this ritual, since not only are they better appreciated aesthetically, but they also extend their life as long as they are well cleaned and protected.

Therefore, below we provide you with some little tricks that we use.

How to clean your jewelry

Silver jewelry: on the internet we have read many articles about sodium bicarbonate, aluminum or chemical products such as Aladdin Sidol. However, our experience tells us that the best way (and the least corrosive) to wash silver jewelry is using hot water, neutral soap and a clean cotton cloth. The jewels are placed in a small container, washed by rubbing with soap or left to soak for a few minutes and then carefully dried.

Gold-plated brass jewelry: here it is especially recommended not to incorporate any chemical product that is too corrosive. In our case, we usually use warm (not hot) water mixed with neutral soap and scrub with a soft-rope toothbrush. Once we have rubbed gently, we dry with a 100% cotton cloth.

As always, each person has their own cleaning ritual and, as long as it meets the objective, it will be the ideal and the best possible. As the proverb says: "every little teacher has his little book".

But since not everything is cleaning, but also storing and keeping safe, we always recommend storing each jewel in its small bag (in our case, it is the one shown in the photograph, made of 100% cotton and with a velvety finish) or in a jewelry box that can be closed, so that dust specks do not penetrate. In short, a few simple steps that can be done at any time and that do not require any financial expense, since they are products that we always have at hand. Below we show you our 925 sterling silver collections: https://vurmashop.com/brands/mediterranea/ https://vurmashop.com/brands/annapurna/ And here our gold- plated brass collections: https:// vurmashop.com/brands/cosmos/ https://vurmashop.com/brands/keops/ <:>

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